

What is Lip Blush?

Lip Blush is known by many names, Aquarelle Lips, Watercolor, Kissable Lips, just to name a few, but regardlesse of what it is called, it is a cosmetic tattoo treatment or Lip PMU (Permanent Makeup) for the enhancement of your natural lip color. Lip Blush treatments can range from very natural to a more intense matte lipstick healed result. Results can last anywhere from 2-5 years, depending on pigments used, lifestyle, skincare, and upkeep. 



.10-12 weeks from 1 session  - $120/ session 
.12-20 weeks from 1 session  - $200/session

-Appointment made earlier than 10 weeks will be rescheduled, earlier that 10 weeks is too soon.

-Appointments made after 12 weeks will be rescheduled to the 12+ service.

-Appointment made after 20 weeks will need to be scheduled as Color Boost, you can contact the studio or find the Color Boost option. 

What is dark lip neutralization?

Dark Lip Neutralization is just another name for a cosmetic tattoo treatment that is utilized for clients whose natural base undertone (the natural color on their lips) is cool/dark. Simply adding the desired color 



.10-12 weeks from 1 session  - $200/ session 
.12-20 weeks from 1 session  - $300/session

-Appointment made earlier than 10 weeks will be rescheduled, earlier that 10 weeks is too soon.

-Appointments made after 12 weeks will be rescheduled to the 12+ service.

-Appointment made after 20 weeks will need to be scheduled as Color Boost, you can contact the studio or find the Color Boost option. 



 +Who are these treatments for?

These treatments are wonderful for clients who wish to enhance / even out their natural color, or wish to have a more dramatic overall lip color.
Lip PMU will give you those perfectly kissable lips all day, every day, without the hassle of lips stains or sticks, thus elevating your lip color and accentuating your natural shape for that perfect pout.

 +Can these treatments be customized, what is the process like, and how long will it last?

Absolutely! We will discuss your goals in great detail when you come for your appointment. We will discuss color and intensity as well as devise a treatment plan specific to you.
We have clients who want to even out lip color with extremely natural healed results or those desiring a matte lipstick effect.
Cosmetic Tattoo treatments take a minimum of two sessions. Spacing the treatments out over two sessions (10 weeks apart) allows us to build pigmentation slowly and make any adjustments. In the case of Dark Lip Neutralization, some clients require more than one neutralization session to achieve an enhanceable base tone. Dark Lip Neutralization requires patience and the understanding that results are not immediate but happen in baby steps.
Once your treatments are complete, results with proper continued care can last 5+ years.

 +Is this treatment uncomfortable?

Discomfort is relative. Honestly, most of our clients take a nap. Our technique ensures minimal sensation during the treatment (clients rate it a 2-3 out of 10, with 10 being extreme pain and 1 being nothing at all). In the cases of extreme sensitivity, we have topical agents to reduce sensation. We ask that you try not to book your appointment during your cycle as you may be more sensitive and follow the pre-care instructions you receive at the time of booking. Adhering to the pre-care will significantly reduce your sensitivity, and BONUS - your results will be even more incredible.